Saturday, 15 August 2015

Information Letter to Rothwell Residents from Haighside Action Group

Some of you will already know from previous information at meetings of the up and coming “proposals of consultation”

With regard to the council’s proposed building of some 700+ houses to the south, east and west of St. Georges, Haighsides and Manor estates and the continuous development on green belt land.

Although the government and Leeds Council made election promises to protect green belt land, they have now gone back on their promises!

Do we want to lose the green belt land for our children and their children? Do we help fight these proposals and keep this for their health and well being, along with all the wildlife we have in and around our town and villages, or do we let the council, government and construction companies keep continuing urban sprawl until there is nothing left but the sea surrounding us?

What we are asking from you is your support in opposing these proposals and help in passing this information on to friends and family through Facebook, Twitter, Rothwell Record etc. Further information will be made available at a date in the very near future.

Haighside Action Group