Haighside Wood


On Friday the 2nd June the members of the Haighside Wood Community group met up for a work morning. There was a very overgrown path into an area of the woodland which had become very over grown. So that was cleared and one or two people of the group removed some Bramble roots. The wood is particularly lovely at the moment and the butterfly population is increasing. We were very pleased to see a Common Blue, 2 Red Admirals and Speckled Wood.

Also there are lots more flowers beginning to come out so we hope these will attract different species of woodland butterflies and insects. The wood is a lovely place just to sit and enjoy Nature on a sunny day and watch the butterflies flitting between the flowers and grasses.

A Owl box was also erected at the beginning of May so we hope to find a Tawny Owl family will decide to call it their own. Haighside Wood is in the middle of agricultural land and has a public footpath going through it. It can be accessed by the footpath sign at the bottom of LowShops lane which is off wood lane. Anne German.



Work Day in Haighside Wood.

On Thursday 25th February on a rare warm sunny day 3 of the members met up to clear some more of the Bramble scrub. The wood is now coming along nicely and we are looking forward to seeing the Spring and Summer flowers grow that we planted in October.  Once some restrictions are lifted we hope more of the group will be able to meet up.

If anyone is interested in giving an hour of their time helping the Haighside Community group in this lovely woodland contact can be made to Anne German at the following email address.


Anne German

Before we started to cut back the scrub  
One of our group

Finished cutting back the scrub. There is still more to do

Snowdrops in the wood

Snowdrops in the wood
Snowdrops in the wood

The woodland since thinning out in the Winter

Primrose beginning to flower 
Snowdrops on the approach to the wood.

On Saturday 19th September the Haighside Community group set about clearing the entrance into the wood of scrub and greenery which had grown up through the Summer and made the entrance very dark. The first 5 photos show how the wood has grown. So to get down and tackle the job of opening up the entrance to the wood. We decided to also reduce the canopy of the Hawthorn bushes as well.

 These two photos show work in progress.

These 2 photos show the work finished and by lifting the tree canopy how it has opened up the entrance and let the light in.

One of the attached photos shows the next job is to plant some Cowslip and Teasel plants to flower next Spring. Also 2 photos of our new Interpretation panel we had placed back I August. One is the History of the area and the other is of some of the Birds, Butterflies and Bats we are lucky enough to see in the Wood. The new Covid measures that are now in place have made it more difficult for the rest of the members to work alongside us so my husband and I will carry on the clearing work further into the wood. We will keep you posted. Anne German.

A message from the Friends of Haighside Wood.  2020

Today, Thursday 6th February I took a walk down to Haigh side Wood to have a look at the new bench that has just been fitted. We were met with the lovely
birdsong of a Song Thrush. Now the people who walk through the wood will be able to sit in the sunshine and enjoy the peace of the wood also birdsong
and flowers in spring and summer. At the moment we have a few primroses and snowdrops out. But it is early days and there are more to come as the weeks go on. Come and sit awhile and enjoy this lovely green space and watch the seasons unfold. Anne German . contact arwalkingwell@tiscali.co.uk.


Haighside Wood Community group will be holding another work day on Saturday 16th November. Tasks will be cutting back scrub and planting Spring/Summer plug plants. Meeting at 10.30am at the bottom of Low Shops Lane. Everyone welcome.

Some Notes From Haighside Wood Community Group, Rothwell.

Now that Autumn is here the group have been getting down to cutting back bramble scrub which has grown over the Summer. We have done this on 4 work days since the end of September. Also we have planted wood anemone
bulbs which will give the community who use this wood, a carpet of very pretty white flowers in the Spring which will look lovely in the woodland setting.

There are two areas of grassland on both sides of the footpath as you approach the wood. We have planted wild daffodil, snakes head fritillary bulbs and birds foot trefoil plants, These bulbs and plants are all a grassland speciality and very beneficial for bees and butterflies. We have ordered many more wild flower plants and bluebell bulbs which will be planted later on in November and next Spring. So next Spring and Summer we hopefully will have a lovely show.

We are also in the process of opening up the entrance to the woodland. When this is completed the community who use the wood will have a lovely view of the curving footpath that leads further into the wood. If you are interested in our work and would like to visit the wood, please contact Anne German on my email, arwalkingwell@tiscali.co.uk. We would be very happy to show you round.

Photographs of work on the grassland as you approach the wood and work to the entrance of the wood.

Photographs previous work inside the wood


NEWS FROM HAIGHSIDE WOOD COMMUNITY GROUP APRIL 2019. (more photographs Feb/March 2019) . We meet once a month if anyone is interested in joining us please get in touch with Anne German on tel 0113 2824529. Another work day is planned for Saturday 27th April (see details below)


The arranged Event that is due to be held at Haighside Wood on Saturday the 27th April at 11am is now cancelled due to the storm Hannah arriving on Friday evening into Saturday.

Bird Box

 Haighside Wood is situated at the bottom of Low Shops Lane LS26 0RH.

The wood is a lovely green oasis in the middle of a proposed housing development which is also in the middle of the South Leeds Green Corridor.

Under the guidance of Conservation Officers, a small group from the Rothwell Neighbourhood Forum aim to enhance the wood for the benefit of the community that use it and also the wildlife within it.

Currently the main objectives are clearing low lying scrub which is reducing the width of the public footpath, clearing existing rubbish, reduce overhanging tree branches and open up areas of grassland to encourage wild flowers and wildlife.

Another work day is planned for Saturday 16th March meeting at 10.30am when the task will be to plant some small trees and Hedgerow bushes.

Due to the good weather we have had in January and February the group have continued to hold work days. We have cleared lots more Bramble scrub, opened up a footpath into another part of the wood and in February erected 6 Blue and Great Tit boxes and 3 Bat Boxes. To our amazement one of the boxes already had a pair of Blue Tits checking it out only 15 minutes after it was erected.

Another work day is planned for Saturday 16th March meeting at 10.30am when the task will be to plant some small trees and Hedgerow bushes. The trees are Bird Cherry - Prunus Padus, Wild Cherry - Prunus Avium. Hedgerow Bushes are Wild Rose - Rosa Canina bears lovely Rose Hips in the Autumn, and Blackthorn - Prunus Spinosa, this bush is one of the first to flower in Spring. This is all part of the continuing woodland wildlife management.

Feb/March 2019 Aconites

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Feb/March 2019

Bulb planting at Haighside Wood October 2018

Bulb planting at Haighside Wood October 2018
Bulb planting at Haighside Wood October 2018

Bulb planting at Haighside Wood October 2018

Come and help us tidy up this forgotten but important woodland.

Below more photographs taken in May 2018 showing the Hawthorne in blossom

April 2018 planting

Comma Butterfly Haighside Wood July 2015

Small Fan Footed Wave Moth Haighside Wood July 2015

Large Skipper Butterfly Haighside Wood July 2015

Meadow Brown Butterfly Haighside Wood July 2015