Sunday 27 September 2015

Leeds Local Development Framework (Local Plan) Site Allocations Plan & Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan – Publication Drafts Consultation 22nd September – 16th November 2015 (5:00pm)

Important information about the Public Consultation on the City Council's Site Allocation Plan
Original Message -----
From: R Garside
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 8:45 PM
Subject: Fw: Leeds Local Development Framework (Local Plan) Site Allocations Plan & Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan – Publication Drafts Consultation 22nd September – 16th November 2015 (5:00pm)
Hello Everyone
I am attaching for your information a letter from the Head of Forward Planning in Leeds which was sent to the Neighbourhood Forum outlining the process for the last stage of Public Consultation on the City Councils Site Allocation Plan.

The Planning Department will be hosting an exibition at the Blackburn Hall for our Area on 16 October from 2.00 pm to 8.00pm. and there will be follow up events at the Civic Hall 29 and 30 October for those who cannot manage this date.

If any further inforation is issued by the Council then we will post it on our Forum's web site. 
It is important that as many people as possible are aware of this consultation so that they may express a view and it would be helpful if you could e-mail this to your friends or distribute copies to your neighbours.
Kind Regards

----- Original Message -----
From: Site Allocations Plan
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: Leeds Local Development Framework (Local Plan) Site Allocations Plan & Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan – Publication Drafts Consultation 22nd September – 16th November 2015 (5:00pm)

Dear Sir/Madam
Leeds Local Development Framework (Local Plan)
Site Allocations Plan & Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan – Publication Drafts
Consultation 22nd September – 16th November 2015 (5:00pm)
I am writing to seek your comments on the Site Allocations Plan and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan Publication Drafts.  This is the final chance to comment on the document before they are submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
These Plans form part of the Local Development Framework (Local Plan) for Leeds and have been prepared within the context of the Leeds Core Strategy (adopted November 2014).  A key focus of these Plans is the allocation of land for Housing and Employment, to meet the targets agreed in the Core Strategy, as well as designations for Green space and Retail centres.
Aire Valley Leeds has the potential to deliver up to 7,800 new homes and 255 hectares of employment land to create thousands of new job opportunities as well as new community facilities and leisure and visitor attractions. These growth targets are set out in the Core Strategy.
Following earlier consultation on the Site Allocations Plan (June – July 2013) and the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan (since 2005, including Issues & Options, Preferred Options and revisions to the Plan area) and consideration by the City Council’s Executive Board on 15th July 2015, Publication documents have now been prepared for an 8 week period of consultation, which starts on 22nd September for 8 weeks.  The following documents will be available from 22nd September:
·         Site Allocations Plan - Publication Draft,
·         Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan – Publication Draft,
·         Sustainability Appraisal Report – Full Version and Non-Technical Summary for both Plans,
·         Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening
·         Background Papers (Retail, Employment, Green space, Housing, Green Belt Review, Infrastructure, Flood Risk Sequential Test, Duty to Cooperate, Environmental Designations, Aire Valley Leeds AAP – Green space, Aire Valley Leeds Flood Risk Sequential and Exception Test, Aire Valley Leeds AAP Infrastructure)
·         Publication Response Form
From 22nd September, you will be able to access the above documents in the following ways:
·         Web – and following the link to the consultation documents on the Site Allocations Plan and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan.  As a preference, the City Council is seeking to encourage representations to be made on line, the links therefore provide an opportunity to comment via an online form and mapping information,
·         Visiting the Development Enquiry Centre at The Leonardo Building, 2 Rossington St, Leeds, LS2 8HD (Mon to Fri 08:30- 17:00, except Wed 09:30 - 17:00)
·         At Libraries (including the three community mobile services) and One Stop Centres across Leeds.
·         Visiting a series of ‘drop in’ exhibition events across the District, during the consultation period, see:
·         Special arrangements can be made to translate the documents into any language (free of charge) by telephoning (0113) 247 8092 and we will try to facilitate any special needs to make sure your views are registered.
If you wish to make representations on Site Allocations Plan and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan these must be made online or in writing within the 8 week period between 22nd September until 5pm 16th November 2015.
You can also telephone 0113 2478092 to purchase documents or e-mail  for Site Allocations Plan or  Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan.
Representations should be submitted using the online response form, or by email for Site Allocations plan: , for Aire Valley Leeds AAP: or via the post to: LDF Publication Draft Consultation, Forward Planning & Implementation, The Leonardo Building, 2 Rossington Street, Leeds, LS2 8HD
Tests of Soundness
We are only asking for views about the ‘soundness’ of the Plans, relating to have they been positively prepared? Are they justified ?, Will they be Effective ?, Are they consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework ?  An independent Inspector will examine these Plans against these tests.  More information on the tests of soundness can be found in the Planning Inspectorate’s guidance document ‘Local Development Frameworks: Examining Development Plan Documents – Soundness Guidance’. This is available from  and also available as a link on our LDF web page.
Yours sincerely

D Feeney
David Feeney
Head of Forward Planning & Implementation
City Development
The Council does not accept service of legal documents by e-mail.